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Martin Women’s Advantage

Martin Investment Management, LLC’s focused strategy of Martin Women’s Advantage holds 25-30 high quality U.S. and non-U.S. mid to large capitalization companies that we believe are not only sound investments, generating positive cash flow, maintaining low leverage, and providing strong returns on invested capital, but that also promote the leadership of women on all corporate levels, encouraging and supporting women to be entrepreneurs, investors, and decision makers.  The firm uses a proprietary database and technology to assess, its affiliate, to determine a company’s ranking on women in leadership factors.

Martin Women’s Advantage is an active strategy based on a bottom up fundamental approach coupled with a disciplined valuation process. The portfolio benefits from a long investment horizon with low annual turnover. Prior to October 1, 2022, the Martin Women’s Advantage Strategy was name Martin Signature Investing, after October 1, 2022, the name of the strategy change to Martin Women’s Advantage Strategy.

Martin Investment Management, LLC a majority women owned investment advisor, reflects the investment philosophy of Mary E. Hogan, a relative of our company’s managing directors. In 1944, her obituary described her as “One of the nation’s shrewdest business women…who made history in the lumber and logging industry.” She wrote her unique signature on checks ranging from a few cents to hundreds of thousands of dollars using only her initials. Her investment philosophy of buying stocks in growing, high quality companies is an integral part of the investment philosophy of our firm to this day.

Martin Women’s Advantage

Global developed market equities with a Women in Leadership Focus

  • 25-30 mid to large capitalization stocks
  • Growing earnings with reasonable valuations
  • Focus on women leadership at all corporate levels
  • Stewardship factors screened with a proprietary database and technology
  • Long-term focus